The SAATM Capacity Building Workshop for Airlines kicks off in Nairobi


AFRAA Secretary General – Mr Abderahmane Berthé, makes opening remarks at the start of the SAATM Capacity Building Workshop for Airlines. The Workshop was officially opened by the African Union Commission’s Ag Head of Transport and Mobility – Mr Eric Ntagengerwa.

In his intervention, Mr. Berthé thanked the AUC, the AFCAC and the UN-ECA for their efforts towards the effective enforcement of SAATM through:

  • The installation of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism (DSM) secretariat in Dakar during the last quarter of 2023.
  • and the ongoing process of appointment of the members of the DSM Administrative Council.

“It is critical to ensure that the decisions of the future Administrative Council will be binding to all parties. Otherwise, we will still depend on the goodwill of states to implement SAATM.” Mr. Berthé highlighted.

He urged stakeholders to coordinate efforts to make air travel affordable for African citizens. This is the reason for the African Aviation Industry Group (AAIG) to organise the Air Transport sustainability LAB that was hosted in Nairobi by AFRAA in June 2022. “We need to continue addressing the main challenges which our industry is facing. Together we will be stronger.” He added.

The capacity building Workshop, which is mainly on SAATM Regulatory Instruments, will be used to create awareness, and present all the regulatory text (Powers, Functions and Operations of the Executing Agency, Consumer Protection Regulations, the Competition Regulations, the Dispute Settlement Mechanism and the revised African Civil Aviation Policy (AFCAP).

The aim is to empower operators on their rights, obligations and opportunities in a SAATM environment. The workshop will also present the Key Performance Indicators for the implementation of SAATM and encourage eligible airlines to work together to expand their Intra-Africa operations.

The 3-days Workshop is taking place from 18-20 March 2024 at the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority’s (KCAA’s), East African School of Aviation.

Workshop Outcomes

  1. Enhanced understanding and appreciation by the airline industry on SAATM Regulatory Instruments;
  2. Enhanced understanding and appreciation by the airline industry on the Key Performance Indicators for the implementation of SAATM;
  3. Shared experience by Regional Competition Authorities and Consumer Protection Associations on the Regulatory Texts of the YD/SAATM;
  4. Understanding of the progress and challenges in the implementation of the YD and the approved Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for tracking the implementation of the YD and SAATM;
  5. Enhanced understanding and appreciation by airline industry on the opportunities and overall benefits associated with the liberalization of the African air transport through the YD/SAATM;
  6. Promotion/Advocacy on SAATM;
  7. Enhanced appreciation among Stakeholders on the need for collaboration on sustainable development of air transport in Africa through full implementation of the YD and SAATM; and
  8. Enhanced awareness on the need and advantages of a harmonized YD regulatory texts environment.


  • African Airline CEOs, Directors, Senior Airline executives and Managers responsible for air transport regulation, industry affairs, legal, business development, marketing, network planning and operations, etc;
  • Representatives of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs);
  • Regional Competition Authorities and Regional Consumer Protection Associations; and
  • Representatives from key partner Institutions (AUC, ICAO, IATA, AASA, AFCFTA Secretariat)