Press Release: AFRAA and EgyptAir Strengthen Collaboration on Aviation Training


05 September 2024, El Alamein – Egypt: At the occasion of the Egypt International Air Show at El Alamein in Egypt, AFRAA and EgyptAir Training Academy signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on training that will facilitate a framework of collaboration between AFRAA and EgyptAir Training Academy to achieve common objectives on training of aviation professionals across the African continent. The collaboration will support the development of sustainable and safe air transport system in Africa and thereby effectively contribute to the continent’s economic development and integration.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Mr. Abderahmane Berthé – AFRAA Secretary General stated: “There is a need to develop aviation professionals within Africa and bridge the training gaps in the continent and beyond. Hence, this partnership with EgyptAir Training Academy adds to the existing partnerships between AFRAA and airline aviation training centers that will be a way forward to overcome the challenges relating to the training of next-generation aviation professionals.”

“AFRAA welcomes cooperation with EgyptAir on synchronization of AFRAA and EgyptAir Training Academy training activities, exchange of programs to attain our common objectives and enhance the effectiveness of the Association in meeting the training needs of the African aviation sector,” Mr. Berthé added.

Under the framework of the MoU, AFRAA and EgyptAir Training Academy will collaborate on the development of training programs and the provisioning of training to flight personnel, cabin crew, aircraft technicians, flight dispatchers, ground handling & commercial staff. The collaboration will further provide the appropriate training to address the various training needs of African Airlines.

AFRAA and EgyptAir will further establish from time to time, taskforces, working groups consisting of experts in their respective structures to address various issues of common interest or implement new cooperative training projects as the case may be.

EgyptAir Training Academy is an Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority and IATA Approved Training Organization (ATO).

The MoU was signed by AFRAA’s Secretary General, Mr. Abderahmane Berthé and President of EgyptAir Training Academy – Capt. Waleed Soliman.  


The African Airlines Association, also known by its acronym AFRAA, is a trade association of airlines from the member states of the African Union (AU). Founded in Accra, Ghana, in April 1968, and headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, AFRAA’s mission is to promote, serve African Airlines and champion Africa’s aviation industry. The Association envisions a sustainable, interconnected and affordable Air Transport industry in Africa where African Airlines become key players and drivers to African economic development.

AFRAA membership of 55 airlines cuts across the entire continent and includes all the major intercontinental African operators. The Association members represent over 85% of total international traffic carried by African airlines. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

EgyptAir Training Academy

EgyptAir Training Academy is a leading aviation training center based in Cairo, Egypt, affiliated with EgyptAir Holding Company. It offers a wide range of training programs and courses tailored for aviation professionals, including pilots, cabin crew, engineers, ground staff, and flight dispatchers. The academy is equipped with state-of-the-art simulators, modern classrooms, and facilities that comply with international aviation standards.

It holds several international accreditations, including approvals from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). EgyptAir Training Academy is known for providing high-quality training to both local and international clients, ensuring safety, efficiency, and excellence in aviation practices.