Hahn Air Foundation celebrates 10th anniversary


Dreieich, 8. November 2022. Hahn Air celebrates the 10th anniversary of its Hahn Air Foundation. The charity organisation was started in 2012 by the Hahn Air founders and owners, Hans Nolte and Nico Gormsen. “We were grateful about the business success of Hahn Air and wanted to give something back to society,” says Nico Gormsen. (Find an interview with Nico in our video above).

Since 2012, the Hahn Air Foundation has been supporting 31 projects across four continents and invested EUR 3.8 million with an annual investment of more than EUR 350,000. The goal of the organisation is to help underprivileged people, especially women and children, to find a way out of poverty, and to lead a free, healthy and self-determined life. The Hahn Air Foundation supports, for example, the development of health care facilities, schools, nurseries, day-care facilities and social institutions.

Among the 16 ongoing projects are the Swimming Doctors who provide medical care by boat to thousands of people living in the Irrawaddy Delta in Myanmar, and Hope Shelter in Sierra Leone for young mothers who have experienced sexual violence and abuse. One of the first projects was Amigos de San Cristobal in Mexico, an organisation that supports day centres for street kids and renovates houses of people hit hard by poverty. The most recent initiative accepted by the Hahn Air Foundation is the reconstruction and expansion of a primary school in Puntland State, Somalia.

All projects are carefully and personally selected and receive long-term sustainable support that makes a difference for the affected people and their communities. Ongoing support for all projects is even ensured or possibly increased during difficult times, such as the recent Corona crisis, local uproar or regional conflicts. Hahn Air guarantees that all donations are used for the projects while administrative costs are entirely covered by the company. This includes costs for travel, marketing and accounting purposes. All donation transactions can be publicly monitored via a transparent account published on the Foundation website,

Hans Nolte adds: “The 10th anniversary is very special to us as the Hahn Air Foundation is close to our hearts and to the hearts of our employees who collect donations every year as a Christmas initiative. We hope to be able to change many lives for the better in the future with the help of our generous donors, Friends and supporters.”


For more information about the Hahn Air Foundation, visit