AMADEUS Airline Retailing.


With Amadeus Nevio, we are providing airlines with the advanced solutions they need to do just that. We are building and deploying totally new, traveler-centric capabilities that allow airlines to differentiate, compete and optimize revenues and experiences through every interaction.

This means they can consistently exceed traveler expectations, across the journey.

By relying on rich, authenticated traveler profiles and advanced, data-driven automation and intelligence, Amadeus Nevio is able to create and deliver travelers tailored, context-aware offers, with adapted services in real-time, and the convenience of one-click payment.

This is a new world of traveler-centric airline retailing.

Where are we today?

So, why do we need these capabilities? Many of us will have experienced friction when traveling.

Airlines can today find it hard to identify passengers across touchpoints, meaning repeated verification is necessary. Not only do passengers find this annoying, as they constantly have to provide the same information only to start from scratch again, but it also hinders airlines’ ability to deliver personalized experiences across multiple channels.

At the same time, booking processes are often complex and time-consuming, leading to abandoned transactions. A lack of coordination across channels, including websites, mobile apps, social media, call centers and airports can also make it hard to create a seamless experience.

I am sure we have all had to scroll through a number of pages of options before we find the one we want, or been cut off halfway through the booking process. At some point many of us will have given up trying to book a flight, deterred or become overwhelmed by complexity.

An increasingly varied travel market poses other kinds of challenges. If I extend my stay for the weekend following a business trip, and my partner joins me, we will be on separate bookings. If things go wrong, we are delayed or a flight is cancelled, an airline cannot tell we are travelling together and jointly accommodate our updated plans.

Amadeus Nevio will help us tackle these kinds of concerns. This technology will mean tangible change, allowing airlines to create the experiences travelers expect, rivaling those they see elsewhere in their day-to-day digital lives.


With Amadeus Nevio, everything starts with the traveler. How are we making this happen?

We run workshops with experts across different parts of the journey together with customers to take a closer look at the experience today and identify where the biggest pain points lie. By mapping the current journey for a variety of profiles, this allows us to explore how they experience a trip. We then repeat the exercise with a view to examining what could change in the future. From here we can see which changes create the biggest jumps in satisfaction and focus our efforts on solving them.

So, our product teams are turning tomorrow into reality.

How does it impact me?

How does this new technology overcome the problems we saw above?

From the perspective of servicing and delivery, we are working to create an end-to-end customer experience. Say a customer has previously searched for lounge access, for example, and has been disrupted on a flight. The airline can then automatically offer discounted access via a one-click payment using a previously saved payment method.

I was recently unable to complete a booking in cash using miles for myself and my daughter, due to different loyalty statuses and lack of clarity on how to use our benefits. I was then channeled to a call center with long wait times – during which I was cut off and forced to start from scratch. Not only did this leave me frustrated, but it also costs the airline resources to maintain call centers and repeat transactions.

With Nevio, we will be able to do better.

The exchanges between channels and touchpoints will be smoother, with the ability to pick up shopping carts across channels associated with a customer account. Loyalty benefits will be applied consistently and transparently upfront, with the ability to have the same order as my daughter even if we are traveling different itineraries and paying using different methods. This will make sitting together easier and allow us to minimize any impact from disruption too.

Airlines will be able to leverage customer profiles, preferences and other insights powered by AI to better understand customer needs and adapt their offer accordingly. By doing so they can build the offers that are likely to be most enticing to travelers at booking, and throughout the entire journey.

Is a traveler typically driven to book by loyalty tiers and close to an upgrade? Then, the airline could offer them an upsell to tip them over the threshold.

Amadeus Nevio gives airlines the capabilities and knowledge to provide a personalized experience over the entire trip. Whether helping with check-in, boarding or selling ancillary services and accepting payment, airline agents will be able to serve travelers from any location, in or outside the terminal, supporting new service innovations like off-airport baggage pick-up and VIP services.

Amadeus Travel Ready by Traveler ID is already simplifying travelers identification. The solution offers travel companies the possibility to automate and digitize passport verification processes in advance, removing unnecessary manual friction and associated queues at different airport checkpoints (e.g.: check-in and boarding).

Agile operations for a smooth experience

Baggage is another common pain point for passengers – but Amadeus Nevio will allow airlines to create traveler-centric solutions.

At the time of offer creation, for example, the airline will know that there is a high value cargo order on a particular flight, so it does not offer too many additional bags, maximizing the value of its hold on each flight. Conversely, if cargo demand is low, then more bags can be offered at a discount.

At the same time, ramp operations can be enhanced, with better baggage tracking and new communications channels established, so agents know exactly where a bag is, preventing a major source of delays and reducing stress for the traveler.

Amadeus Nevio will allow airlines to offer personalized disruption management to passengers.

Travelers will receive highly relevant re-accommodation options, but they will not be obliged to settle for them. They will be able to browse via the device or touchpoint of their choice and select another option they may prefer, with their original purchase either fully refunded or factored into the new purchase. If a passenger has suffered disruption, is tired, and would like to upgrade to business class on a more convenient flight, they will be able to do so.

Finally, predictive analytics can be deployed for smoother operations. Airlines can accelerate time-to-value calculations by creating their own Machine Learning models with ready-to-use correlated data domains. For example, using data from the delivery system, airlines can forecast the number of bags expected on a flight and the cumulative weight, to inform dynamic offers and pricing.

Tools to power a modern retailing experience 

Amadeus Nevio allows airlines to give choice and options to travelers, and more relevant offers, considering customer context. The shift in the way offers are created is expected to maximize conversion and reduce abandoned transactions.

This new technology will provide holistic and actionable data, the backbone of modern retailing. It is the foundational enabler that allows airlines to make informed business decisions, optimize the way they engage with customers, and is expected to improve business performance and profitability.

For travelers, Amadeus Nevio will reshape the way they interact with an airline, allowing them to create customer-centric experiences that exactly meet their needs.